Saturday, December 22, 2012

Just this one

Holidays are here! Everyone is looking forward the time they will be spending with their family, relatives and friends. There is always a dinner here and a reception there etc. For some, the fun starts with Thanksgiving and it only ends by mid or end January.

For those who are on a diet, it can a quite challenging time though. It is not like you feel tempted to cheat or things like this, but the pressure of "just this one" is stronger than in any other time of the year. Peer pressure can take a complete new dimension when it comes from your beloved ones.

Caution : Holiday Eating

What to do then?!? Locking yourself up and hiding from any social contact is not a option, so it is better to be prepared.

First thing I do is avoiding what can be avoided. Do you really have to attend ALL those parties and come-togethers? If you are going to your work's dinner, maybe you could skip the night out or vice-versa. Prioritize the events that are  the most important to you for whatever the reason. This will already reduce the amount of times you will have to say "no, thanks".

If possible, bring your own food. Mainly when you are surrounded by family or close friends who know what you do, it is easier to discreetly replace one dish or two for your own. And the word discreet is very important here. Don't make a big deal of it if you do not want to call their attention too much. Remember that is no biggie.

Finally, remember that your body can also make use of some cheat meal once a week. And if you do not like the idea of cheating your plan, take the refeed approach. Pick foods that will stimulate your metabolism. Make wise choices in terms of quality and quantity and you will not only enjoy the meals with your beloved ones, but also keep your diet on track.

It is important that the celebrations do not become a burden to you, your training and those around you. Make the most out of it without stressing out. Remember that it is not about the food, but about the relationships! So have fun.

Enjoy the Holidays!!!

Healthy Holidays!

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